In the afternoon Xfm just watch the Frozen Movie,he thought the movie was just about blocks of ice and turning them into buildings.But as he watch it , he started appreciating the colors ,the adventures and the story .The site is like the cabin in the wood only with a bit of snow.The plot have frozen the entire story and in the end it all back into control ,normal and unfrozen. In the morning Xfm wasn't thinking of Oscar awards until the evening comes that the selfie group picture was trending and he imagine himself there. In the morning all he thought was what is Month of March all about?
Xfm went out at around 8:15 AM where everybody is now in the office and in the school.And alone on the seawalls watching road construction and eating peanuts and skyflakes. MArch month is surprisingly sunny.And emerald truck is damping gravels on the seawall construction while that back hoe is taking care of the sand and making it look more normal after digging huge foundation for the seawall. Xfm on his lunch preparation while watching aljazeera he found out something about the sufferings of refugees in Lebanon, and compare chefs to Best Wan cooking at AFC and ,News on March at ABSCBN are as hot as the sun. Most teleseries are now ending,like Honesto,Got to Believe ,and new series are on the way.March 10 new series are coming.The Sunday rated K is about luxury houses ,Ms.Korina love houses. House that no one lives but beautiful. Architectural perfections on buildings for the sake of beauty not as shelter for the homeless. Most Cities must plant fruit bearing trees and edible foods as ornaments.Leaders are doing great on traffic management,anticorruption campaign, .The murder of cat in Penaranda park @Legazpi city must be caught on a CCTV , that crime must be investigated.That person must get severe punishment. Just being aware of measles virus , people become aware that when people are malnourish they are prone to measles. So Philippines must focus on selling less sugar drinks, not so salty junk foods, pancit and noodles. School must teach eating veggies and planting it in school ,so school must have huge agriculture so they can teach the vitamins and minerals from vegetable fruits and grains and legumes and nuts. Most germs are found in the polluted air,contaminated foods and sick people.Diseases can be infectious and contagious.So awareness of microvita is important and how to regulate them. Humans are forever dependent on oil use as fuel and lubricants to vehicles. But the question to which is more cheaper and more economic and efficient is one thing. No one likes gasoline run vehicle ,they like diesel. Except on car racing and airplanes they use high octane fuel. But they are just very few percent of consumers. Watching few minutes of car racing , one will change the channel to a different channel of expression. Human needs just little bit of boxing, ufc, a weekend of NBA, and an hour of news just to update . And more feelings for drama and Sunday sitcom. A little bit of documentary on travel, SOCO and human travels ,getaways,retreats,working environment,job issues,triumph on pageants ,sports ,musical,cultural architectural wonders and achievements. Sports by the end of the day .to know what makes a human more fit , less obese and be able to be more dynamic. Too much imbalance of air fire earthly activities and water causes calamity.So these four basic elements must be balanced too. Proper afforestation is a must that means regulated and orderly giving space for flora and fauna. Ecological balance will come as a result of that. Maximum utilization of Philippine resources must be implemented to avoid other greedy countries claiming them . Selling these and making it available in the world market they will just go to the marketplace and buy it,than getting on the source itself.For increasing vehicle owner and more goods moving around the country that means to build 15 km of road a day like whats happening in India . More budget on that.
Today is the start of Cuaresma ,it started with ash Wednesday.Xfm avoid meat all year but most Catholics just avoid meat only on lenten season.Mormons fast for one meal ,but Xfm fast for 24 hours and four times a month and 48 days a year.Most people forgot that the aim of Exodus in the bible is that God want all his people to become vegetarian. But the people like to eat quail and meat , than the manna or bean curd.
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