Zombie people have too much salt in their body.While possessions and other movies about possession will not click to most population around the world it's because people know, no one can possess anyone's body .Even with his her permission .All are just psychological and mere acting. If someone is talking about visions ,I've seen this vision I've seen that.That is his her responsibility. Changing of voices, behaving like possessed are just product of focus and concentration, scientifically it's because a person is what he thinks he she is. One can know that from actors and actress themselves. But if someone really seen any luminous beings, horse riding infantries in some case they are really there because there are nature's film like mechanism,images are still there even some centuries have past.Those 7 kinds,types ,categories of pretayoniis as describe by the ancient tantrics are harmless though they have horrible forms .
Seven types of pretayoniis (negative microvita)
As with devayoniis, there are seven types of pretayoniis: durmukha, kabandha, madhyakapa'la, maha'k,apa'la, brahmadaetya or brahmapisha'ca, a'ka'shiipreta, and pishaca. Pretayoniis are disembodied souls, but they are more a collection of negative microvita than operational minds. When people live an evil life, they become pretayoniis after death. After they exhaust some of their samskara (karma), they are reborn, but only after a very long time. This list, although not inclusive, is useful in identifying some of the possible types of negative microvita.
The influence of microvita is so pervasive that many phenomena can be explained by their presence or absence, as this list of pretayoniis helps illustrates. An interesting aspect of pretayoniis occurs by comparison with devayoniis. Devayoniis are spiritually evolved persons who have a specific defect, and the same may be true of pretayoniis. Avidya tantrics may become spiritually evolved by their intense practice of evil techniques and so perhaps become pretayoniis for reasons similar to devayoniis. Avidya tantrics are spiritual practitioners who practice ?left hand,? evil techniques (like black witches), while vidya tantrics practice ?right-hand? good techniques.
Durmukha. People who, for a variety of reasons, cause mental disturbance to others, continue to do so as pretayoniis after their death.
Kabandha. People who commit suicide for negative reasons (e.g., anger, greed, jealousy) will incite others to commit suicide as pretayoniis.
Madhyakapa'la. This microvita causes mental restlessness and lack of stability.
Maha'kapa'la. These individuals appear to be humanistic while satisfying their own selfish interests. They may create lethal weapons that kill millions of innocent victims. After death, they keep trying to destroy the living.
Brahmadaetya or Brahmapisha'ca. These people try to suppress and control others by intellectual methods, creating inferiority complexes in others.
A'ka'shiipreta. By various crimes and destructive activities, these individuals fulfill their ambitions.
Pishaca. These individuals see others as objects of enjoyment, without considering the needs of others.
Even during Lord Jesus Christ time possessions of evil , like an evil is inside someones body , with superhuman strength, are all signs and symptoms of epileptic seizures and attack. If someone have very high temperature in his her body one can behave like possessed, no need for holy water , any cool water will do if pour to that person.That should be treated just like any high fever. Some powerful mind can also project for example how Jesus Christ really looks like. They know Jesus Christ have short hair, sun burned, rugged and not feminine and demure.And there were no camera during His time. Today's version of Jesus Christ is because so many countries around the world and they have their own concept about Jesus Christ and how he looks like according to one's nationality. Although everybody can become like Christ and like god,very few have attained immortality . Not everyone is famous its just simple as that. But since God is the greatest , if one unite with God one becomes one with God.If a person can Identify Himself with God ,One becomes free from relativity and automatically become Great!That's why one must overcome anger with Love. Censure with praise ,liar with telling the truth ,If a thing is negative overcome that with positivity. Always look on the bright side of anything!Overcome negative microvita by positive microvita by doing kiirtan and meditation and service to humanity.
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